P20 Global Payments Conference 2021
Virtual, September 28-29, 2021
The Fifth P20 Global Payments Conference will convene top business leaders, government officials and regulators to discuss the future of the payments industry.
Past Attendees
Keynote Speakers

David Cameron

Nathan Deal

Jack Lew

Steven Mnuchin

Rishi Sunak

Mary Ng

Lord Hammond

Gwyneth Nurse

David Petraeus

Lord West

Andy Barr, US Congressman since 2013

George Holding, US Congressman 2013-21

Stephen Barclay MP, UK City Minister 2017-18

John Glen MP, UK City Minister since 2018

Lord Jones, UK Trade & Investment Minister 2007-08

Christopher Woolard CBE, Interim CEO, UK Financial Conduct Authority, 2020-21

Chris Hemsley, Managing Director, UK Payment Systems Regulator since 2019
Maha El Dimachki, Head of Innovation, UK Financial Conduct Authority since 2021

Paul Chichester MBE, Director of Operations, UK National Cyber Security Centre

Greg Rattray, White House Director of Cybersecurity, 2002-05

Michael Froman, US Trade Representative, 2013-17

Antony Phillipson, HM Trade Commissioner for North America 2017-21

Andrew Staunton, HM Consul General, Atlanta since 2018

Nadia Theodore, Canadian Consul General, Atlanta 2017-20

Kipp Kranbuhl, US Asst Secretary for Financial Institutions 2017-21

Michael D’Ambrosio, Assistant Director, US Secret Service 2017-21

Mary Kepler, Chief Risk & Compliance Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Sir Charles Bowman, Lord Mayor of London, 2017-18

Sir Peter Estlin, Lord Mayor of London 2018-19

Jared Sawyer, Deputy Assistant Secretary, US Treasury 2017-18
Past Attendees
Other Select Attendees
Jo Ann Barefoot, former US Deputy Comptroller
Paul Nash, US Senior Deputy Comptroller
Barry Loudermilk, US Congressman
Rob Woodall, US Congressman
Sanford Bishop, US Congressman
Tom Price, former US Health & Human Services Secretary
Jonathan Reynolds MP, UK Shadow City Minister
Lee Rowley MP, House of Commons
Martin Vickers MP, UK House of Commons
Charanjeet Singh, Indian Deputy High Commissioner
William Harvey, Deputy Director, UK Government Security Group
Matt Callahan, Deputy Attache, US Secret Service
James Griffin, Resident Agent in Charge, US Secret Service
Michael Mainelli, Sheriff of the City of London
Jessica Washington, Payments Risk Expert, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Gorav Chaudhry, Canadian Finance Counsellor
Steve McLaren, Canadian Finance Counsellor
David Weiner, Canadian Trade Commissioner
Prabhu Hariharan, Canadian Trade Commissioner
Katie Fulcher, Canadian Trade Commissioner
Michelle Cassidy, Canadian Trade Commissioner
Richard Price, Chief Economist, UK Department for International Trade
Julie Trepanier, Senior Director, Finance Canada
Rich Gaffin, Senior Adviser, US Treasury
Scott Schmith, Senior Adviser, US Department of Commerce
Alan Davis, Cyber Investigator, US Secret Service
Carly Nimmo, Global Head of Fintech, UK HM Treasury
Tomas Helm, Head of Fintech, UK Department for International Trade
David Raw, Head of Banking & Credit, UK HM Treasury
Phil Vidler, Head of Global Markets, UK HM Treasury
David Geale, Payments Director, UK Financial Conduct Authority
Brendan Carley, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Payments Canada
Rajendran Narayanan, CTO, National Payments Council of India
Genevieve Marjoribanks, Head of Policy, UK Payment Systems Regulator
Kai Keller, Financial Innovation Lead, World Economic Forum
Natalie Ceeney CBE, Chair, Innovate Finance
Charlotte Croswell, CEO, Innovate Finance
Kristy Duncan, CEO, Women in Payments
Andy White, CEO, AusPayNet